
General Information
The content provided on CNFans-Spreadsheets.com is intended solely for informational purposes. While showcases a variety of products through spreadsheets with links to platforms such as CNFans, Hoobuy, AllChinaBuy, Joyabuy, Sugargoo, and Superbuy, it is important to clarify that our site is completely independent. We are not officially affiliated with, endorsed by, or connected to any of these brands or platforms in any way.

Independent Operation
CNFans-spreadsheets.com operates independently and is not associated with or endorsed by CNFans.com, Hoobuy.com, AllChinaBuy.com,JoyaBuy.com, Sugargoo.com, or Superbuy.com. Our primary mission is to assist users in discovering products, particularly sneakers, on Chinese e-commerce platforms like Weidian by offering curated links to third-party shopping agents.

No Direct Sales
CNFans-spreadsheets.com does not engage in the direct sale of any products. The site serves as a resource for users to find products listed on external third-party shopping platforms and should not be construed as a commercial marketplace or seller.

Informational Content Only
All materials and content found on CNFans-spreadsheets.com are provided strictly for informational and identification purposes. We do not offer professional advice or endorse specific products or services. The information is meant to help users in making informed decisions but does not constitute a professional recommendation or endorsement.

User Responsibility
All purchase decisions made through third-party platforms linked from CNFans-Spreadsheets.com are the sole responsibility of the user. We do not influence purchasing decisions nor promote specific products. All transactions are completed directly on the respective third-party shopping agents' websites.

Accuracy of Information
While we strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information displayed, CNFans-Spreadsheets.com makes no guarantees regarding the completeness, accuracy, or currency of the content. Product names, details, and links are offered for reference purposes only and may not always reflect the latest information.

Limitation of Liability
CNFans-Spreadsheets.com assumes no liability for any inaccuracies, errors, or omissions in the content provided, nor for any issues arising from interactions with external shopping platforms. Users are encouraged to conduct their own research and exercise due diligence when making purchases.

Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this disclaimer or any content found on CNFans-Spreadsheets.com, please contact us at:

Email: cnfans-spreadsheets@hotmail.com

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